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Flossing plays a major role in your oral health. But how do you know which floss is best for you? Let’s take a look.

What are the Types of Floss?

There are four kinds of floss: woven floss, shred-resistant floss, unwaxed floss, and electric flossers. While you may prefer one over the others, is there really a difference between the four types of floss?

In terms of plaque removal, a study published in the Journal of Periodontology suggests the answer is no. 25 people were given the different types of floss and the evidence suggests they’re equally effective at removing plaque—though the electric flosser showed the greatest plaque removal upon first use.

The biggest factors in deciding what floss is best for are preference, capability, and continued interest.

While some may look at an electric flosser as a waste of money, those with challenged dexterity see it as a lifesaver. These users can include the elderly, disabled, or folks who just need a little help. Electric flossers can also create positive flossing habits in children and teens because they find the tool fun to use.

Those with braces or larger gaps may prefer dental tape or thicker floss sometimes called super floss.

No matter what floss you choose, what matters is that you use it every day. Keep a spare in your office (or home office) drawer for flossing on the job.

Ask Your Dentist

If you’re not sure what kind of floss is right for you, schedule an appointment with us today. We’ll help you choose the right floss for your teeth and give you the beautiful smile you deserve.