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Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with anticipation, excitement, and, of course, meticulous attention to health. While most expectant mothers are clued into the necessities of proper nutrition and prenatal care, there’s another aspect of health that requires equal vigilance during this crucial period: oral hygiene.

Why is Oral Hygiene Especially Important During Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the body undergoes a whirlwind of hormonal changes. These hormonal fluctuations can influence oral health, making pregnant individuals more susceptible to certain dental issues. Here's why prioritizing oral hygiene is paramount during this phase.

1. Pregnancy Gingivitis:

Many pregnant women experience swollen, bleeding gums due to the inflammation caused by increased levels of hormones, particularly progesterone. This condition, known as pregnancy gingivitis, can start as early as the first trimester. Regular dental check-ups and thorough oral hygiene practices can help mitigate its effects.

2. Pregnancy Tumors:

While the name might sound alarming, pregnancy tumors are benign growths that appear on the gums, usually during the second trimester. They’re believed to be linked to excess plaque. Although they often vanish post-delivery, maintaining a clean oral environment can reduce the risk of their appearance.

3. Risk of Tooth Decay:

Pregnancy cravings, increased hunger, and morning sickness can expose teeth to additional acids and sugars. This increases the potential risk of cavities. Consistent and proper oral care can help keep tooth decay at bay.

4. Oral Health and Birth Outcomes:

Emerging research suggests a correlation between gum infections and premature births. While more studies are needed to confirm causality, it’s evident that oral health can play a role in overall pregnancy wellness.

Schedule a Visit to the Dentist

Pregnancy is a transformative experience, and every aspect of health, including oral hygiene, plays a role in ensuring a smooth journey for both the mother and the baby. Get your pregnancy off to a smiling start by scheduling an appointment today.