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A dental crown is a tooth-shaped "cap" placed over a tooth to cover it and restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. Crowns are common dental treatments and they come in a variety of materials and types. Read below to learn what the signs are that you might need one.

Signs You May Need a Dental Crown

A dental crown may be needed in the following situations:

  • A broken or decaying tooth: Dental crowns are usually applied to protect a weakened or decaying tooth from further damage.
  • Broken cusps. Cusps are the part of your teeth you use to tear and chew food. If a cusp breaks, dental crowns are common treatments.
  • Large fillings: Crowns are often used to cover and support a tooth with a large filling or a history of repeated fillings when there isn't a lot of natural tooth left.
  • Excessive wear: Sometimes patients have extremely weakened and worn-down teeth due to grinding, acid reflux, or a highly acidic diet. Adding a crown can restore teeth to their normal size and strength. Oftentimes, a patient will also be given a mouthguard to wear to further protect the crown and remaining teeth.
  • Undesirable appearance: A lot of patients are simply unhappy with the way their teeth look. Crowns can be used to change the shape or color of a tooth. They can also be used to reduce the appearance of gaps between teeth.
  • Root canal: Root canals are common treatments that hollow out the roots of a damaged tooth. However, because this procedure removes a lot of the original tooth, it can weaken what’s left. A crown can be added to restore some strength and function.

Dental Crowns for Children

A pediatric dentist may recommend a dental crown for baby teeth. While baby teeth are supposed to fall out, they shouldn’t fall out too soon because they’re needed for speech development, as well as to guide the growth of permanent teeth. If a child has a tooth that has been severely damaged by decay, then fillings and crowns may be recommended to protect these teeth.

How Can I Know for Sure Whether I Need a Dental Crown?

The best way to determine if you need a crown is by consulting your dentist. The list above, however, can be used as a guide for your conversation with your dentist when discussing next steps.

Schedule an Appointment 

We’d be happy to talk to you more about dental crowns and perform a checkup to see if you or your child might need one. Make an appointment with us today and we’ll get you on your way to a better smile!