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Just because baby teeth eventually fall out doesn’t mean they aren’t important! Baby teeth play an important role in your child’s health and development and need to be taken care of. Here are a few reasons why baby teeth are actually more important than you might think:

  • Overall health. Teeth, of course, are needed for chewing. If a child’s baby teeth have cavities or are not being taken care of, nutritional deficiencies can occur. Untreated cavities can also cause widespread infection so it’s in your best interest to keep baby teeth clean and strong.
  • Speech and facial development. The tongue, lips, and cheeks move based on the location of the teeth when forming sounds. In other words, the presence and positioning of baby teeth help in the development of proper speech. The structure of baby teeth also provides support for the developing facial muscles and the shape of your child’s face.
  • Alignment of permanent teeth. Baby teeth hold space and guide the adult teeth into their proper position. If baby teeth are left uncared for and lost prematurely, nearby teeth can shift and cause overcrowding or other alignment issues.
  • Self Esteem. Of course, missing or decayed baby teeth can be embarrassing and can result in low confidence or limited social interaction.

What happens if baby teeth aren’t taken care of?

  • Baby teeth can get cavities just like adult teeth. In addition to the pain caused by a cavity, young children can develop dental infections that can cause widespread issues.
  • If a baby tooth becomes infected and needs to be extracted, your dentist might need to insert a space maintainer. If the space is not preserved, other teeth may shift and may cause future orthodontic problems when adult teeth come in.
  • If your child’s baby teeth aren’t taken care of, you’re setting them up to develop poor habits early on. Start early in showing your child how to take care of their teeth and set them up for success when it comes to a healthy, beautiful smile.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Teaching your child to develop good oral care habits with their baby teeth is very important and we’re here to help. Make an appointment with us today!