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A root canal is a procedure where you dentist cleans out the decay in your tooth’s pulp and root. Unfortunately, root canals have a bad rap in popular culture. But much of the negativity surrounding them is based on myth. Let’s dispel three of those myths today.

Root Canals Hurt – FALSE

This myth has its roots (no pun intended) from decades ago when dental procedures were painful. With today’s modern technology and better anesthetics, root canals are basically pain-free. In fact, they’re no more painful than having a filling. 

You Can’t Get a Root Canal if You’re Pregnant – FALSE

A small x-ray is required for a root canal. However, the radiation exposure is minimal, and the x-ray is aimed at the mouth. Your dentist will use a lead apron to cover your abdomen. Any anesthetics used are also safe. To ensure the most comfortable visit, let your dentist know prior to your visit if you are pregnant.

Pulling a Tooth is Better Than Getting a Root Canal – FALSE

You want to keep your natural teeth for as long as possible. Several alternatives include implants, dentures, partial dentures and fixed dental bridges. But keep in mind these alternatives can be much more expensive than saving your tooth with a root canal.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Are you or someone you love in need of a root canal? Call us to make an appointment today!