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Is your big day around the corner? Get your smile ready for the cameras with these five tips.

Beware of Foods that Stain Your Teeth

Here are a handful of common tooth-staining culprits:

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Soda
  • Red
  • Berries
  • Foods with bright artificial coloring

Consume these items in moderation and brush your teeth ASAP when you’re finished.

Drink Water

Dehydration is a problem you may not think about and is especially common if you are getting married during the hotter part of the year. Not only can dehydration sour your mood, it can also dry out your lips, creating a roadblock for your best smile.

Lipstick Matters

If you’re unsure which lipstick shade to choose, ask a make-up expert or check out the most requested lipstick shades brides want (pro tip: try before you buy).

Your Year for Veneers?

If there’s one cosmetic procedure that can do it all, it’s porcelain veneers. Strong, wafer-thin “shells,” they’re adhered to the front of teeth to give them a whole new appearance. They’re perfect for chip, cracks, gaps, minor crowding, small or misshapen teeth, and severe stains that don’t respond to whitening treatments.

Schedule a Pre-Wedding Visit to the Dentist

Make sure you visit your dentist regularly in the months leading up to your wedding. If you have any oral problems, such as teeth discoloration or crooked teeth, you should be seeing your dentist at least a year before the big day to ensure there is time for any lengthy wedding smile treatment plans. Schedule an appointment today to get your smile wedding-day ready!