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The answer for “how often should I see my dentist?” depends on who you are, your health history, age, diet, oral hygiene, and more. Even if you take excellent care of your teeth at home, it is still crucial for your long-term health to regularly visit your dentist for cleanings and check-ups.

No matter your age or health, most dental problems are not visible to the naked eye and don’t cause any pain initially. Your dentist and dental hygienist are the only ones who see the development of cavities, periodontitis, and oral cancer before it becomes a severe problem. They use a variety of tools that can help clean your teeth in ways a toothbrush and flossing cannot. The hygienist also looks for signs of inflammation and infection, and performs periodontal probing, which measures the depth of the gum pocket.

Needs Vary

No matter your health status or age, every patient should schedule at least two visits per year. Factors that influence the frequency with which you should visit your dentist include:

  • Your general health history and medical condition
  • The current state of your oral health
  • Risk factors as assessed by you and your dentist

When it comes to the frequency with which you should visit the dentist, gum disease is one of the largest factors at play. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that gum disease in the United States affects nearly 47% of adults over 30 years old. And once it starts, the damage is irreversible.

However, you can halt the progression of bone loss and gum recession and prevent it from doing more damage. The key to preventing gum disease is practicing good oral hygiene by brushing twice daily and flossing once a day and if need be, visiting your dentist every three to four months rather than the twice yearly exam and cleaning.

Schedule a Visit to the Dentist

Get into the swing of having two dental appointments per year by scheduling an appointment today.