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smiling girl with a basket P6TMUA4We often take our bite for granted – that is, until something feels amiss. An uneven bite, also known as malocclusion, can surface suddenly or gradually over time, causing discomfort or even pain. If you've found yourself wondering, "Why does my bite feel uneven?" you're not alone. Let's delve into some common reasons behind this sensation.

1. Dental Restorations or Procedures

Whether you've recently had a filling, crown, bridge, or even braces removed, these dental interventions can alter your bite. In some cases, a new restoration might be slightly higher or shaped differently than your natural tooth, causing an uneven feeling when biting down.

2. Tooth Movement

Our teeth aren't fixed rigidly in our jaws. They can shift over time, especially if you've lost a tooth and the neighboring teeth move into the vacant space. This movement can lead to an imbalance in your bite.

3. Grinding or Clenching (Bruxism)

Habitual teeth grinding or clenching, often occurring unconsciously during sleep, can wear down the teeth's surfaces. This wear can change the way the upper and lower teeth fit together, making your bite feel uneven.

4. Gum Disease

Gum disease can lead to bone loss in the jaw and cause teeth to become loose. As these affected teeth shift, they can disrupt the harmony of your bite.

5. Trauma or Injury

Injuries to the face or jaw, such as those from accidents or sports, can impact the alignment of your jaw, leading to a feeling of an uneven bite.

6. Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD)

TMD involves conditions that affect the jaw joint and chewing muscles. These can be due to arthritis, injuries, or other factors. TMD can change the way the jaw moves and fits together, causing a bite imbalance.

7. Natural Wear and Tear

As we age, natural wear and tear on our teeth can lead to bite issues. Over time, the enamel can wear down, or teeth may become chipped or broken, all of which can alter the bite.

Schedule a Visit to the Dentist

An uneven bite can arise from various factors, but with modern dentistry's advancements, there are numerous solutions to address and rectify the problem. Prioritize your oral health by scheduling an appointment today.