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Don’t have perfect teeth? You’re definitely not alone! Whether it’s a chipped tooth, discoloration, misalignment, or gaps, there are treatment options for a variety of cosmetic dental concerns. Two popular choices are dental bonding and porcelain veneers. While they treat similar cosmetic issues, there are a few distinct differences between veneers and bonding.

If you’re considering either of these options, it can be helpful to know more about these treatments and see how they compare.

What cosmetic issues do they address?

Both procedures can address many of the same cosmetic issues. However, veneers may be a better option for improving more pronounced concerns, like discoloration, irregularly shaped teeth, and gaps. Dentists often recommend veneers when multiple teeth are affected. Bonding, on the other hand, is most typically used for smaller changes that don’t require covering the entire tooth, like a chipped or cracked tooth. 

What materials are used?

Dental bonding is performed using a tooth-colored composite resin material that’s only applied to a small portion of the tooth. Veneers are made of a customized, thin ceramic porcelain substance customized in a lab. Veneers are more stain resistant than a composite resin and are applied to the entire front surface of the teeth.

How are my teeth prepared for the treatments?

Bonding requires no preparation. For veneers, dentists must remove a small amount of enamel from your teeth to ensure a natural, seamless smile.

How long will they last?

Porcelain veneers have a longer lifespan than dental bonding. They usually last up to 15 years, whereas bonding will need to be replaced more frequently. But of course, maintaining good oral care will extend the life of both treatment options!

How much does it cost?

Due to the more extensive and customized process for porcelain veneers, they tend to be more expensive than dental bonding.

Schedule an Appointment Today

We are here to help you find which option fits your needs and your budget. Make an appointment with us today to choose the best option to improve your smile!