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If given the choice, most people would choose to just use mouthwash over flossing. We get it—it's easier and faster to swish some minty mouthwash around in your mouth than it is to precisely floss between each tooth. Good oral care, however, is more about effectiveness than it is about convenience. And while mouthwash is a great recommended addition to your oral health routine, flossing is critical and can’t be replaced by mouthwash alone.

Let’s discuss mouthwash first. There are two categories of mouthwash: cosmetic and therapeutic. Cosmetic rinses are geared more toward temporary relief of bad breath, while therapeutic rinses aim to remove plaque buildup, help prevent cavities, and kill harmful bacteria. Therapeutic mouthwashes typically contain fluoride and other antimicrobial agents.

Flossing, on the other hand, is crucial for gum health, making it easy to see why it can’t be replaced by mouthwash. It provides necessary abrasion that works to dislodge food and plaque that can get stuck between your teeth and up close to the gumline. People who floss regularly report less sensitivity, lower levels of gum inflammation and bleeding, and less plaque and tartar buildup. And the best part? Studies show that flossing at least once a day also helps prevent periodontal (gum) disease.

Schedule an Appointment Today 

Overall, the best oral care routine would include brushing, flossing, and mouthwash (in that order), in addition to regular dentist visits. So, make an appointment with us today! We look forward to being a part of your oral health routine.