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Dental veneers are thin covers made from resin or porcelain that adhere to your teeth to give them a healthy, more classically shaped look. And while they’ve been around for many years and are becoming increasingly popular, you may not know too much about them. Here are facts about dental veneers you should know.

Veneers can be a solution for sensitive teeth

For people with sensitive teeth or weakened enamel, veneers can provide a protective shield for your teeth. With your natural teeth still underneath, the veneer acts as a layer of defense against those pesky hot and cold foods and drinks that can cause pain!

Veneers an alternative to whitening treatments

If you’ve tried all the whitening toothpastes there are to buy and your stubborn stains are still present, don’t despair! Veneers are an effective way to whiten your teeth. No matter what caused the stains, translucent veneers can be created in a natural-looking shade to give you a brighter, whiter smile. Plus, they are stain-resistant, meaning you can keep your new white smile fresh for a long time without having to worry about more whitening treatments!

Veneers are durable and easy to maintain

You might hear the words “thin” and “resin” or “porcelain” and assume veneers aren’t very durable. That’s actually not true at all! When taken care of correctly, they can last up to 15 years or more before needing to be replaced. To keep them safe and in-tact you should switch to a non-abrasive toothpaste and avoid biting down or chewing on ice or hard candies. Veneers are also relatively low maintenance. Other than normal brushing and flossing, veneers require very little special upkeep. 

Schedule an Appointment Today

Interested in learning more about dental veneers? Make an appointment with us today. We’d love to talk about ways to improve your smile!