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Just because baby teeth eventually fall out doesn’t mean they aren’t important! Baby teeth play an important role in your child’s health and development and need to be taken care of. Here are a few reasons why baby teeth are actually more important than you might think:

  • Overall health. Teeth, of course, are needed for chewing. If a child’s baby teeth have cavities or are not being taken care of, nutritional deficiencies can occur. Untreated cavities can also cause widespread infection so it’s in your best interest to keep baby teeth clean and strong.
  • Speech and facial development. The tongue, lips, and cheeks move based on the location of the teeth when forming sounds. In other words, the presence and positioning of baby teeth help in the development of proper speech. The structure of baby teeth also provides support for the developing facial muscles and the shape of your child’s face.
  • Alignment of permanent teeth. Baby teeth hold space and guide the adult teeth into their proper position. If baby teeth are left uncared for and lost prematurely, nearby teeth can shift and cause overcrowding or other alignment issues.
  • Self Esteem. Of course, missing or decayed baby teeth can be embarrassing and can result in low confidence or limited social interaction.


Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, which makes it pretty important, right? If you’re dreaming of a perfect smile, you may be wondering if cosmetic dentistry is worth it. Cosmetic dentistry includes dental procedures to improve the appearance of a smile, including the teeth, gums, and bite. It can fix stained, broken, crooked, misshapen, or gapped teeth.

What can cosmetic dentists do?

With today’s modern dental technology, there’s no reason why anyone should live with a smile they’re not pleased with. Your dentist will recommend the best treatment plan to achieve your perfect smile, taking into account your goals and budget. A few particular procedures that cosmetic dentists perform include:

  • Teeth whitening to brighten your smile and get rid of years of discoloration
  • Dental bonding, which involves a tooth-colored resin coating to the top of your tooth to fix any gaps or cracks
  • Veneers, which are a thin piece of porcelain permanently bonded to the tooth and can be used to close gaps or correct small misalignments in the teeth
  • Crowns, which serve as caps for damaged teeth
  • Inlays and onlays to efficiently repair cavities and tooth decay, particularly on the rear teeth where more chewing power is necessary
  • Dental bridges and dental implants to restore a full smile to those with missing teeth
  • Alignment corrections, including orthodontics with metal braces or clear aligners to straighten your smile
  • Gum contouring, a type of dental surgery that reshapes your gumline

Diabetes is a very common disorder that affects your body’s ability to process sugar. There are two types of the disease, both of which can result in high blood sugar levels. Uncontrolled blood sugar levels can cause problems throughout your body, including the eyes, nerves, and heart. But did you know that those with diabetes are at higher risk for oral health issues, too?

Why People with Diabetes Are More Prone to Oral Health Issues

Periodontal disease, also referred to as gum disease, is a chronic, inflammatory disease that can wreak havoc on your gums, as well as the surrounding tissue and bone. Periodontal disease is the most common dental disease affecting those living with diabetes because diabetes impairs the body’s ability to fight infection and slows healing time. As with all infections in the body, gum disease can cause blood sugar to rise, making diabetes even harder to control. This can lead to decreased immunity and an increased susceptibility to worsening oral infections.

Certain medications for diabetes can also put a patient at risk for dental caries. Some antibiotics, for example, can cause dry mouth and worsen other oral symptoms. People with Type 2 diabetes are also more prone to bad breath, dental caries, and cavities due to dry mouth and thrush, which is a common fungal infection caused by the yeast Candida albicans that grows in high-sugar environments.

It can be frustrating when you feel like you do everything right and still hear the bad news from your dentist — cavities! How?

To understand how you get cavities in spite of good oral health care practices, it’s important to first review how cavities form. Our teeth are made of minerals and any time you eat or drink sugary, starchy, or acidic foods, bacteria in the plaque on your teeth begin to produce acid that can eat away at these minerals, especially the outer enamel. This process is called demineralization. Over time, it can lead to decay and cavities.

Are some people more cavity-prone than others? 

The short answer is yes. A few factors can increase the likelihood you’ll develop cavities even if you brush twice a day:

  • A sugary diet: Sipping on soda all day or enjoying a lot of candy can cause extra sugar and acid to spend too much wearing away your enamel.
  • Dry mouth: Saliva not only washes away plaque and bacteria, but it also neutralizes the acids that can attack your teeth. People with chronically dry mouths are prone to more tooth decay.
  • Genetics: Yes, a propensity for cavities can be genetic. Some people are simply more susceptible to the type of bacteria that cause cavities.
  • Tooth anatomy: A crowded mouth can make it easier for plaque and bacteria to hide in between teeth. Even if you brush and floss regularly, it can be easy to miss these spots and still get cavities.
  • Gum recession: When the gums recede, the root of the tooth is exposed. This exposed area is much softer and more vulnerable to cavities.

We understand there’s a lot of uncertainty about what is safe and what is not in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Though it’s still an ongoing situation, it’s considered safe for you to visit your dentist for routine patient care. The American Dental Association has advised dental offices on steps and precautions to take to help protect patients and staff. Here at Michael Fernandez Family Dentistry, we’re taking extra steps to keep you safe, too. Here are a few of our new protocols and office enhancements amidst the pandemic:

  • We take your health seriously. In addition to every member of our team wearing a mask at all times, all of our staff members directly involved in patient care will be wearing face shields and gowns when appropriate.
  • We’re screening our staff and our visitors. In addition to screening staff daily for symptoms, we’re also screening patients prior to all appointments. This screening protocol will include a brief questionnaire, as well as taking patient temperatures in an effort to identify any potential risk for transmitting COVID-19.
  • We’re purifying the air and routinely disinfecting the office. We recently had in-duct air purifiers installed in the office, both of which purify every cubic inch of air that our central air conditioning system reaches. We’re also taking extra precautions with cleaning our reception areas by wiping down all surfaces with approved cleaners. We’ve also removed magazines and the coffee machine to cut down on shared surfaces.
  • We’ve staggered appointment times. In an effort to limit the number of patients in our office at a time, we’re staggering appointment times.

You hear a lot about how important it is to brush your teeth — but could you be overbrushing them? Overbrushing is actually a very common problem and is usually seen in people who brush too vigorously with medium- or hard-bristled toothbrushes.

Is overbrushing really that bad?

Brushing regularly is necessary for healthy teeth and gums, but you can overdo a good thing. When you brush too hard, you can wear down your enamel. Enamel loss means less protective coating for your teeth, which can cause your teeth to become sensitive to hot and cold. Brushing too hard can also damage tender gum tissue and can eventually cause it to recede, exposing tooth roots, increasing sensitivity, and leaving them vulnerable to disease and decay.

We all know that brushing your teeth regularly is an important part of maintaining good dental health. But did you know that choosing the right kind of toothbrush also matters? With all of the toothbrushes available on the market today ranging from soft to medium to hard, electric and manual, it can be difficult to know which toothbrush is the best one for you.

Soft is better

When choosing a toothbrush, whether electric or manual, it’s best to opt for a soft-bristled brush. Anything coarser will actually wear away your enamel and gums. The same advice goes for pressure in brushing—harder brushing does not equal better brushing. Many people brush too hard, especially with hard-bristled toothbrushes, and can damage sensitive gum tissue and their gum line. Thus, softer brushes cause less irritation while still effectively removing plaque and tartar buildup.

If you’re feeling self-conscious about your crooked smile but don’t want standard braces, Invisalign might be a great option for you. Invisalign® are clear aligners that are used as orthodontic devices to straighten your smile. The treatment involves wearing a series of clear aligners over a period of several months, with each successive set of aligners moving teeth closer to a straighter position. Here are some things to consider to determine when it’s a good time for Invisalign:

  • Length of treatment: While some patients can see a marked improvement in their smile in as quickly as 2 months, the majority of Invisalign® patients wear their aligners for about 12 months. Depending on the severity of the problem, your custom treatment plan may last eight months, 12-18 months or longer.

You may not think of oral hygiene when cold winter weather hits, but you should. As we head into the cooler months, it’s important to know how to help keep our lips, teeth, and gums healthy. Below are five tips to help keep your oral health in tip-top condition while you fight the winter chill.

1. Don’t forget your lips! Dry and chapped lips are a common problem in cold weather. Your lips are a part of your overall oral health and it’s important to protect them from exposure to cold weather, high winds, and UV rays (even on those overcast days). Wearing a daily lip balm with at least an SPF 15 and drinking plenty of water to hydrate your skin can help protect your lips this winter.

New year, new you, right? The start of a new year is a perfect time to make resolutions to improve your smile. Why? Because a healthy smile is more than just shiny white teeth. In many instances, the health of our teeth and gums directly correlates to the rest of our bodies. Here are five resolutions you can incorporate into your daily routine for a healthier you:

  1. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are packed with super nutrients that fight off bacteria and inflammation to help keep teeth and gums healthy. Vitamin-packed fruits and veggies vitamins will also strengthen your tooth enamel and naturally help clean your teeth. Of course, they’ll also boost your immune system and keep you healthier all around.
  2. Stop smoking. Quitting smoking is another resolution that your whole body will thank you for, your teeth included. Not many people realize the damage smoking causes to your mouth. In addition to discoloring and yellowing your teeth, tobacco use increases the chance of oral and throat cancers and gum disease. Quitting may be difficult but it’s worth it.
  3. Brush and floss regularly. This is an important routine you should be doing already but sometimes life gets busy and we forego these simple tasks. Be sure to brush twice a day and take the time to floss at least once a day, preferably before going to bed to reduce plaque and tartar build-up.
  4. Drink more water. This is another resolution that will help you feel and look better all over. Try to drink approximately eighty ounces of water each day to keep your mouth hydrated. Water helps keep your mouth clean by washing away plaque and acid build-up from foods throughout the day.
  5. Visit your dentist. Make a resolution to see your dentist this year. In fact, dentists recommend 2-4 cleanings a year. Regular visits can help keep your mouth clean and strong, as well as help discover any potential issues before they get worse.

Schedule an Appointment

If you’re ready to make 2021 the year of your healthiest, brightest smile yet, make an appointment with us today!

Twice a day keeps the germs away! According to the American Dental Association, you should brush your teeth at least twice a day. The general rule of thumb is to brush before each meal and before bed. And remember, you should brush your teeth for approximately two minutes each time you brush.

Brushing alone, however, isn’t everything. A proper dental hygiene routine consists of a healthy diet, brushing, flossing, and then rinsing your mouth out with mouthwash.

Why do I need to brush my teeth so often?

When you brush your teeth, you help remove food and plaque (that sticky white film that clings to your teeth and contains bacteria). After you eat a meal or snack that contains sugar, the bacteria in plaque produce acids that break down tooth enamel and eventually cause cavities. Plaque that isn't removed can also harden into tartar which makes it even harder to keep your teeth clean. Even more seriously, plaque and tartar build-up can lead to gum inflammation and gum disease, which further increases your risk for oral health issues!