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Straight teeth are nice and all, but do they really matter? The truth may surprise you.

The Social Benefits of Straight Teeth

One of the first things people notice about us is our smile, which makes it a powerful social tool. Studies found that nearly half of American adults believe a smile is the most memorable feature after they first meet someone. It was ranked ahead of the first thing a person says, their clothing and their smell.

Straight Teeth and Confidence

Kids with straightened teeth can gain a huge amount of self-esteem associated with doing better in school, forming strong bonds and friendships, resisting peer pressure and trying new things. The confidence that comes from loving your smile is also important for adults. Feeling good about yourself can greatly enhance your quality of life.

A Reduced Risk of Tooth Decay

Straight teeth are much easier to keep clean because you eliminate the extra nooks and crannies where plaque and food debris can hide. When plaque isn’t brushed away, the bacteria from the plaque interact with starches and carbohydrates in the food you eat and they release acids that erode your tooth enamel.

Better Gum Health

When plaque builds up along the gum line and in between crooked teeth, it results in inflammation of the gums. At first, you’ll experience bleeding, swollen or red gums. This is when gum disease is in its earliest stage, known as gingivitis. It can then advance into periodontitis, which is the more severe form and a leading cause of tooth loss. It also highlights the overall health and oral health connection because gum disease has been associated with other conditions, including diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

An Aligned Jaw Can Help with TMJ Pain

When the upper and lower teeth don’t come together correctly, it puts undue stress on the jaw joint and results in uneven bite forces. By creating the ideal bite, we can help with TMJ pain and the associated headaches and migraines.

Schedule a Pre-Wedding Visit to the Dentist

Ready for your happy, beautiful smile to come back? Schedule an appointment today to discuss the best options for straightening your teeth safely and effectively