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Do you ever wake up from a night's sleep with a sore jaw? Or do you suffer from chronic headaches or earaches? Are you noticing a few broken or cracked teeth in your smile? If you answered “yes’ to any of these questions, you might be grinding your teeth.

Teeth grinding is exactly what it sounds like: you either clench, grate, or grind your teeth together—often at night without being aware that you’re doing it. The medical term for teeth grinding is bruxism, and over time it can lead to an array of dental and medical issues including premature loss of enamel, fractured teeth, receding gums, jaw pain, and migraine headaches.

Because most people are unaware they’re grinding their teeth and clenching their jaw at night, the safest and most effective way to ensure teeth are protected is to wear a night guard while you sleep. If you’re wondering if a night guard might be right for you, let’s talk about the reasons for using them, the different types, and their benefits.

Who Needs Night Guards

Because you could be unaware of bruxism until obvious complications develop, it's important to know the signs and symptoms and to seek regular dental care. Signs and symptoms of bruxism may include:

  • Teeth grinding or clenching, which may be loud enough to wake you or your spouse
  • Loose or chipped teeth
  • Worn or cracked tooth enamel
  • Increased tooth pain or sensitivity
  • Tired or tight jaw muscles
  • Jaw, neck, or facial pain or soreness
  • Pain that feels like an earache
  • Dull headache, typically starting in the temples
  • Poor sleep

If you experience any of the problems above, teeth grinding may be to blame—and you’re not alone. It’s estimated that 8% of the population suffers from sleep bruxism and its related issues.

Night Guard Benefits

Enamel Protection

The most obvious benefit of a night guard is the protection it provides for your tooth enamel. Long-term, untreated bruxism can erode your teeth through both the enamel and dentin to expose nerves and blood vessels. Not only does this compromise the overall strength of your teeth, but it can also lead to intense pain. Night guards provide a layer between your teeth, which will prevent them from grinding together and wearing away your tooth enamel.

Less Pain

Waking up every morning with jaw or cheek pain is usually a sign of sleep bruxism. Soft rubber mouth guards provide a layer of cushioning between the upper and lower teeth, protecting the jaw muscles from the repeated tension of grinding and/or clenching—meaning you wake up pain-free!

Better Sleep

Night guards provide maximum comfort while minimizing your symptoms, which ends up greatly improving your sleep! The night guard helps position your jaw in a way that promotes muscle relaxation—meaning you can avoid the stressful sleep that often accompanies bruxism.

Schedule an Appointment Today 

Teeth grinding is a common issue, but you shouldn't have to suffer.  Make an appointment with us today to talk to us about whether a night guard is right for you and other ways to improve your oral health!